

I am 51 years old. I live in Moscow. I am engaged in the photo since 1980. I use Canon equipment.

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27948 th / 22,727 photographers
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Photo Competitors

Rank Mvt. Name photo
27943 -99 Black-Photogaphy 1434
27944 -99 V.Anisimov 1434
27945 -99 miguellm 1434
27946 -99 ijasper 1434
27947 -99 Krit Kongcharoenpanich 1434
27949 -98 Loner Nguyen 1433
27950 +138 Prapasri T 1433
27951 +1168 Janette Hall 1433
27952 -99 Zhemchugova Yulia 1433

Video Competitors

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