Dr Ajay Kumar Singh

bh , 2009

Born in India, a GIS Specialist in profession. Keen and passionate in nature, sports and events, modern, vintage and historic landmarks photography.

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6221 th / 14,192 videographer
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1414 th / 22,727 photographers
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Photo Competitors

Rank Mvt. Name photo
1409 -9 Worraket 21760
1410 +6 Vanatchanan 21759
1411 -8 Dm_Cherry 21754
1412 -3 Tatyana Vyc 21744
1413 -7 JINXI 21728
1415 -5 Nataliya Sdobnikova 21666
1416 -5 Nalaphotos 21659
1417 -3 enterlinedesign 21633
1418 -3 SunKids 21633

Video Competitors

Rank Mvt. Name Video
6216 -28 Atlas Media Studio 271
6217 -28 tatko 271
6218 -28 Droneyes 271
6219 -27 Sky Cinema 271
6220 +95 Kevin George 271
6222 -28 Olga Berazovik 270
6223 +1537 Robcartorres 270
6224 -29 Fotoluminate LLC 270
6225 +35 Ihor Korsunskyi 270