Jamen Percy

gb , 2010

Originally from Australia but now based in London. Wildlife and all sorts of special occasions.

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3563 th / 14,192 videographer
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23208 th / 22,727 photographers
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Photo Competitors

Rank Mvt. Name photo
23203 -90 og_photo 1821
23204 -74 honeymonster 1821
23205 -90 Lyudmila2509 1821
23206 +266 Aleksey Boyko 1821
23207 -97 Malchev 1821
23209 -88 Photographer253 1820
23210 +235 Miguel Abad 1820
23211 -89 Chawalit Pimchan 1820
23212 -96 CykOtie 1820

Video Competitors

Rank Mvt. Name Video
3558 -15 Shutter Ryder 640
3559 -14 mowe90 639
3560 -14 dualpics 639
3561 -13 a6photo 639
3562 -13 huntergol hp 638
3564 -5 marchevcabogdan 638
3565 -13 Time Image 638
3566 -13 AeroFootage 638
3567 -13 stoatphoto 638