
ru , 2009

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4263 th / 14,192 videographer
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3025 th / 22,727 photographers
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Photo Competitors

Rank Mvt. Name photo
3020 +5 indira's work 12097
3021 -17 hannadarzy 12093
3022 -16 Natursports 12089
3023 +16 Iuliia Khabibullina 12089
3024 +11 Lyudmyla Ishchenko 12082
3026 +45 nikitich viktoriya 12081
3027 -18 UVAconcept 12080
3028 -8 Scharfsinn 12079
3029 -18 Dmitriy Rybin 12078

Video Competitors

Rank Mvt. Name Video
4258 -24 Alexey Stiop 496
4259 -24 The The 496
4260 +44 Tschub 495
4261 -25 U. Gernhoefer 495
4262 -24 ranimiro 495
4264 -24 ArtemPeger 495
4265 +27 stossi mammutto 494
4266 -25 takayuki 494
4267 -25 asariaela 494