Ikhwan Aris

my , 2018

I love capturing moment and emotion that reflect into video or photograph

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5432 th / 14,192 videographer
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14254 th / 22,727 photographers
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-100 % Since last week

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Photo Competitors

Rank Mvt. Name photo
14249 -81 Umomos 3195
14250 -23 olahgaris 3195
14251 -82 katillomi 3195
14252 -82 Lanlana839 3195
14253 -82 Szilvi9 3194
14255 -82 Peter Schenke 3194
14256 -82 Dan Howell 3194
14257 +227 saberstudio 3193
14258 -81 sjarrell 3193

Video Competitors

Rank Mvt. Name Video
5427 -23 Filmo-stock 339
5428 -23 Sergiopossitive 339
5429 -23 Nick Andros 339
5430 -21 Artur Synenko 339
5431 -21 Ken Wolter 339
5433 -21 DeepskyWorks 339
5434 -21 Pavel Szabo 338
5435 -21 Dima_Zd 338
5436 -21 TriumphRainbow 338