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At home in the world, always on the road, seeking new places and adventures, camera at hand. Fluent in 6 languages, have lived in 8 countries.

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22100 th / 14,192 videographer
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5983 th / 22,727 photographers
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Rank Mvt. Name photo
5978 -27 Bodnar Taras 7048
5979 +37 tsyhun 7047
5980 -26 TravelMakerShop 7046
5981 -19 Jane Kelly 7043
5982 +42 gerasimov_foto_174 7043
5984 +98 oes 7042
5985 +212 Veran36 7041
5986 -4 Novac Vitali 7041
5987 -32 Matteo Chinellato 7041