Jurik Peter

sk , 2007

My name is Peter Jurik and I am a passionate freelance photographer, illustrator, vector and digital artist specialized in astronomy & space art.

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9128 th / 14,192 videographer
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7998 th / 22,727 photographers
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Photo Competitors

Rank Mvt. Name photo
7993 -22 Mali lucky 5489
7994 -8 gubernat 5488
7995 +23 Breaking The Walls 5487
7996 -32 FlashMovie 5487
7997 -30 Sh.Olga 5485
7999 -30 PHET KEOSUMSOUK 5484
8000 -26 NattapolStudiO 5484
8001 -31 nate samui 5483
8002 -18 AKV 5481

Video Competitors

Rank Mvt. Name Video
9123 -25 Tanguy Louvigny 132
9124 -25 Nguyen Ngoc Son 132
9125 -25 Mego studio 132
9126 -25 west cowboy 132
9127 -25 Elena Blokhina 132
9129 -26 UliaA 132
9130 -26 iiiphevgeniy 132
9131 -26 dreamnikon 131
9132 -26 Coralreefart 131